Baby Announcement Stats Birth sign Birth Details Baby Shower Gifts

Availability: In stock
Birth sign-Clothing

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Perfect for making a sign to celebrate the birth of a baby.


Baby Name Sign| Wooden Name Sign| Birth Hospital Sign| Wooden Birth Announcement| Baby Shower Gift


These cute wood milestone sign is needed for every mom and dad! These originally designed handmade decor are the perfect way of sharing your newborn's arrival with friends and family! Also, great for baby shower gifts if you're looking for something unique. Easily place next to your little one and snap a photo!



Materials : draftboard, mdf, plywood, wood, acrylic, etc.


Skirt: 27x30cm

Onesie: 30x34cm


It normally takes 4-5 business days to process your order. Please note that holidays & weekends are not included.

Orders involving personalization that includes logos, signatures, or graphics that need to be digitized require additional time.


Shipment takes approximately 7 to 12 business days to reach destination countries.

Please note: Total Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time

Attention: More or less time may needed for different items.
Please wait patiently, order as soon as possible, delivery in time.

Eligible for return:

Wrong or damaged item.

Return within 10 days after delivery date.

Refund & Exchange issued within 5 business days.

Non-Returnable Items

1. Items outside the 10 days warranty time-frame.

2. Washed, worn, used or misused items.

3. Customer's error personalization information.



50% partial refund: Customer's address is not detailed, leading to the items be returned to us.
30% partial refund: The items has been delivered to its place, the customer did not receive it. Please contact the local post office . If still no result.

Sku : Birth sign-Clothing
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